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March 2014 Spotlights



Helen M. Jydstrup Elementary School


Helen M. Jydstrup Elementary School is proud to recognize an exceptional kindergarten teacher, Ms. O’Brien. Ms. O’Brien works tirelessly everyday to provide a warm and engaging classroom environment that fosters academic and social growth, as well as an excitement for learning. In addition, Ms. O’Brien contributes an enormous amount of expertise outside of the classroom. She plays an integral role of many committees and assists and mentors fellow teachers. Outside of the school day, she teaches classes through Ashford University, leads various professional development opportunities, and holds active roles on the Kindergarten Professional Development Team and the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Team. We are so proud to call her a Jydstrup Jaguar!



Indian Springs


Mrs. Nelson embodies every characteristic you would ever hope to see from a teacher. As the only middle school math teacher at Indian Springs K-12 Schools, her dedication to student achievement and laser-like focus on academic rigor is evident in every task she performs. She is a master at using data to plan lessons, makes herself available to students at all times, and refuses to let any student settle for anything less than their best. The middle school students in Indian Springs are set up for great success when they get to high school because of the preparation they've received from Mrs. Nelson



Kenny C. Guinn Middle School


Mr. Jack Mainguy is an exceptional middle level science educator. He is constantly in motion both inside and outside the classroom. “Blink” and he is gone. His inquisitiveness and love for learning is infectious and impacts both the students and the staff! If he doesn’t know something, he doesn’t stop until he finds an answer. It is this same curiosity and love for learning that he instills in his students and spreads to his peers. Jack is an integral member of the staff, one who challenges, and pushes to obtain the best for his kids and Kenny C. Guinn Middle School.



Lawrence Jr. High School


Mr. John Diaz is the Band Director at Lawrence Jr. High School and he directs various bands for over 340 students. His students participate in various school activities to include multi-cultural events, winter and spring concerts, open house, parent nights, basketball games and numerous other school-wide events, as well as several of his bands participate in district-wide and community events. Mr. Diaz takes great pride in his students, as well as in our school and he serves as a positive mentor for all teachers at Lawrence Jr. High School. We are so proud that Mr. Diaz is a LJHS Lion!



Lucille S. Rogers Elementary School


Susan Call embodies all of the qualities of a reflective educator. She is a Third Grade teacher who encourages her students to strive for educational excellence. Mrs. Call makes a point to know her students and the Nevada Academic Content Standards so well that she can provide the appropriate scaffolding or extension for the learners in her class. She is known, at Rogers Elementary School, as a resource for exemplary instruction. Mrs. Call is always willing to be observed in her classroom as a model of high quality instruction. She sees herself as a life-long learner often researching and taking classes to improve her teaching craft. Mrs. Call's classroom is a community of learners, who regularly engage in academic discourse. Her reach is not limited to her classroom; Mrs. Call also sustains a culture of learning and collaboration in her grade level. Rogers Elementary School is lucky to have Mrs. Call!

Grant Sawyer Middle School

Ms. Lang is in her second year teaching math at Grant Sawyer Middle School. This year, however, things are looking vastly differently in Mr. Lang's classroom! With the introduction of Math 360, Ms. Lang has found an highly engaging and very exciting way to motivate and teach her sixth graders. After a warm-up activity and introduction to any new concepts, students in Ms. Lang's class are released to their "frames" which are sections of various white boards hanging on the walls surrounding the class. Each student has a small section to work at with math problems specific just for their learning. Students enjoy utilizing the white boards to work out the problems and are allowed to give themselves a checkmark at the top of their frame for successful work completed. The Math 360 concept allows Ms. Lang to circulate around the classroom and easily check for student comprehension. Additionally, students absolutely love being allowed to work at their own frame on math problems Ms. Lang has devised specifically for them.Ms. Lang is a fully committed Sawyer Mustang and dedicated completely to her students. CRT data from last school year and Discovery Education data from this year prove that Ms. Lang is an outstanding educator and a shining star in our field!




Frank Kim Elementary School


Frank Kim is proud to recognize one of our finest fifth grade teachers, Krista Benefield. Ms. Benefield works tirelessly every day to provide a warm, engaging classroom environment where her students are largely responsible for their own learning path. If you are lucky enough to visit Ms. Benefield’s classroom you will find her students engaged in small cooperative groups, discussing and explaining their thinking whether they are working on math, language arts or reading. Ms. Benefield is a model teacher for the Daily 5 and CAFÉ and has presented during staff development days, in addition to mentoring new and experienced teachers in this process. Her classroom comes alive during her literature circles and her focus on the FACES of a reader inspire her students to reach new academic heights in reading. Ms. Benefield’s seamless transitions and high expectations for student success create an atmosphere where her students assume responsibility for their productivity and take risks. She serves as the grade level chair and the multicultural cadre chairperson, and can always be counted on to participate in all school extracurricular events. Ms. Benefield’s love for learning and differentiation is demonstrated by her current endeavor of earning her GATE endorsement while at the same time pursuing a Generalist degree.


Spring Valley High School


Mr. Lee teaches both Korean and Japanese at Spring Valley HS. He has taught for the Clark County School District since 2003. Mr. Lee has built long-term relationships with schools in both Korea and Japan and has facilitated student exchanges that have provided the opportunity for students to travel to Asia to see first hand how students on the other side of the world learn. When Spring Valley HS purchased and iPad cart, Mr. Lee was first in line signing it out so that he could incorporate this new technology into his teaching practice. Students are able to practice writing in Korean and Japanese using the iPads.Mr. Lee was recently named one of the five finalists for the 2014 Kiwanis Teacher of the Year. Mr. Lee treats his students in a respectful manner each and every day. He also provides rigorous instruction on a daily basis, and is dedicated to creating global connections for his students. He never makes excuses or blames students, and his ability to self-reflect is a true testament of his commitment to continually improve his practice. Great teaching does not happen by accident. It takes natural talent and hard work. We're very fortunate to have Mr. Lee here with us a Spring Valley HS.




Joseph Thiriot Elementary School


Joseph Thiriot Elementary School is proud to recognize one of our elite fifth grade teachers, Sande McNeil. Sande is an infectiously fun-loving and enthusiastic educator whose love for the students in her room helps build an exceptional community of learners. She is able to connect with each learner and strives to bring out the unique skills, talents, and strengths of each one. Sande is an eclectic practitioner, continuously looking to improve her practice in the classroom. She brings to lessons a variety of resources and activities that promote deep learning for all students. Whether she is incorporating iPad technology into daily lessons, endlessly searching for new and better ways to teach math standards, building meaningful, lasting relationships with students and peers, encouraging colleagues to participate in her newest professional development or promoting a love of reading, Sande is a natural. While we always strive to reach for the stars-Sande McNeil reaches above and beyond for the Dream Team at Joseph Thiriot Elementary School.



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