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June 2014 Spotlights



Helen M. Jydstrup Elementary School


Helen M. Jydstrup Elementary School is proud to recognize an exceptional teacher, Mr. Haner.  Mr. Haner teaches fifth grade and dedicates countless hours to support all fifth grade students.  He co-leads the Beta Club at our school and helps the students to develop as leaders through community service.  Furthermore, he works diligently to build positive relationships with students and helps them to build relationships throughout the school.  Mr. Haner serves as our Science Site Leader, as well as assisting all staff with technology.  Mr. Haner also gives so much of his time to help out fellow staff members with technology integration and helps new teachers with developing effective instructional strategies.  We are so proud to call him a Jydstrup Jaguar!



Indian Springs Elementary School



Ms. Johnson teaches mathematics and science for the 4th and 5th grade students in Indian Springs Elementary School.  She constantly seeks to find innovative and exciting ways to engage her students in rigorous activities and is always striving to improve her craft.  She has taken the initiative to serve as the school's math site leader and attends numerous trainings during her own personal time.  Her leadership has helped drastically improve the quality of math instruction for all of Indian Springs Elementary School and her professionalism is nothing short of outstanding.



Earl B. Lundy Elementary School


Ms. Harpster is the responsible teacher for one of the most unique schools in all of CCSD.  Lundy Elementary School has 29 students and only 2 teachers.  As the responsible teacher, Ms. Harpster assumes many administrative responsibilities in addition to her outstanding performance in the classroom.  While some may think having such few students makes teaching at Lundy easy, Ms. Harpster is tasked with teaching all six grade levels at once.  This is certainly not an easy assignment, but she is a master at differentiating instruction and has the majority of her students far exceeding standards and working above grade level. The community of Mount Charleston is very lucky to be able to send their children to a teacher like Ms. Harpster every day!

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