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April 2015 Spotlights

Helen M. Jydstrup Elementary School


Helen M. Jydstrup Elementary School is proud to recognize our two outstanding Early Childhood teachers, Ms. Hampton and Ms. Ross.  Ms. Hampton and Ms. Ross work diligently to guide and support their students to be successful every day.  They work hard to differentiate their instruction to meets the needs of each student, academically and socially.  Outside of the classroom, they provide support across our school, offering assistance in the Primary Autism Classroom, with teachers needing academic or behavior supports, and with school wide activities and initiatives.  In addition, they lead parenting classes on our campus to assist families with their needs.  They are instrumental members of the Jydstrup family.  We are so proud to call them Jydstrup Jaguars.





Lawrence Jr. High School


Ms. Teresita Harris has been a Lawrence Lion for 8 years.  As an Algebra teacher, she has made such a positive impact on her current students, as well as her former students who have moved on to high school.  Ms. Harris makes learning exciting and invigorating for students, as they explore math through various engaging activities.  Ms. Harris has influenced Lawrence's academic success, school culture, and most importantly, our students.  As the MathCounts advisor, Ms. Harris has shown great leadership in mentoring our students and she ensures that our students reach their highest potential as she continues to have high expectations for all students. Ms. Harris is a great role model to Lawrence Junior High's students and staff and we are thrilled to have her as a member of our staff.



Judy and John L. Goolsby School


Goolsby Elementary School is proud to recognize an exceptional special education teacher, Ms. Yanos.  Ms. Yanos is shared with Batterman Elementary School as the SEIF at both sites.  Ms. Yanos has been a phenomenal support when supporting staff with behavioral concerns, both in Special Education and in the general education setting.  Ms. Yanos has been especially supportive in our new self-contained autism program, cheerfully jumping in to help with behavioral modifications and ideas.  In addition, Ms. Yanos assists and mentors our Special Education teachers, many of whom are new to their positions.  Ms. Yanos has been a rock for our Special Education team over the past months as we worked to fill a number of vacancies in our Special Education Department.  Ms. Yanos devoted numerous hours to ensure that student needs were met by working with staff and administration to adjust schedules and write many IEP’s.  Ms. Yanos is such a vital part of our Goolsby community, and we are so proud to call her a Goolsby Greyhound!

Mary Anne


Keith and Karen Hayes School


Mrs. Wong has been a teacher leader at Hayes Elementary School for the last nine years.  She has taught first grade for eight years and Early Childhood Autism for one year.  She continues to promote equity with her excellent teaching skills and wonderful classroom environment.  During her years at Hayes, a common response is, "Let's do it!" or "I'll volunteer!"  Her excitement is evident in all conversations and her professional abilities to adjust her instruction, at the students' levels, are just a couple of ways in which she demonstrates the "Hayes Way."  


Thank you for being our hero, Mrs. Wong.



Kenny C. Guinn Middle School



Kenny C. Guinn Middle School is proud to recognize one of our outstanding teachers, Mr. Phillip Cascio.  Mr. Cascio is a true “Renaissance Man.” In his fourteen year career at Kenny C. Guinn Middle School, Phil has taught English, reading, social studies, ELL English and Reading 6-8, and has been an ELL facilitator.  He maintains an exceptional learning environment that encourages all students to do their best.  Mr. Casico never hesitates when asked by the students to participate in school assemblies, take on projects for kids, or to open his door for after school tutoring. This is his last year in CCSD – he will be greatly missed.  Thank you, Mr. Cascio for your passion, wisdom, and humor.  You truly are a Kenny C. Guinn Middle School Titan. 



Frank Kim Elementary School School


Kim Elementary School is proud to recognize our Learning Strategist, Jackie Wening. Ms. Wening has done a fantastic job reorganizing and revamping our Literacy Room over the past two years. Ms. Wening has fully supported the RAP book initiative within our school and had to foresight to order many RAP books prior to the lessons being launched on Curriculum Engine. She has organized and labeled all the books in the Literacy Room by DRA level, with the Lexile level available to view as well. Ms. Wening has made the Literacy Room a central location for the teachers to visit for any literacy needs, including materials to support the Literacy Framework. She has created an environment that is more effective for instruction and is teacher-friendly. Ms. Wening consistently makes herself available to all teachers for any assistance, questions, or concerns. We are proud to highlight Ms. Wening as she is such an asset to the Kim community!



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